Source code for wxpyNautilus.plugins.viewframe

#! python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Property list of buffers

Author: Kazuya O'moto <>
from pprint import pformat
import wx
from wx import aui
from wx.lib.mixins.listctrl import ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin

from mwx.controls import Icon, Icon2, Clipboard
from mwx.framework import CtrlInterface, Menu
from mwx.graphman import Layer

if wx.VERSION < (4,1,0):
    from wx.lib.mixins.listctrl import CheckListCtrlMixin
    class CheckListCtrl(wx.ListCtrl, CheckListCtrlMixin):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
            self.ToolTip = ''
            self.IsItemChecked = self.IsChecked # for wx 4.1 compatibility

[docs] class CheckListCtrl(wx.ListCtrl): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): wx.ListCtrl.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) ## To avoid BUG wx 4.1.1 ## Note: With this fix, the default Tooltip will disappear. self.ToolTip = '' self.EnableCheckBoxes()
[docs]class CheckList(CheckListCtrl, ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin, CtrlInterface): """CheckList of Graph buffers. Note: list item order = buffer order. (リストアイテムとバッファの並び順 0..n は常に一致します) """ @property def selected_items(self): return filter(self.IsSelected, range(self.ItemCount)) @property def checked_items(self): return filter(self.IsItemChecked, range(self.ItemCount)) @property def focused_item(self): return self.FocusedItem @property def all_items(self): rows = range(self.ItemCount) cols = range(self.ColumnCount) ## return [[self.GetItemText(j, k) for k in cols] for j in rows] for j in rows: yield [self.GetItemText(j, k) for k in cols] _alist = ( # assoc-list of column names ("id", 42), ("name", 160), ("shape", 90), ("dtype", 60), ("Mb", 40), ("unit", 60), ("annotation", 240), ) def __init__(self, parent, target, **kwargs): CheckListCtrl.__init__(self, parent, size=(400,130), style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.LC_HRULES, **kwargs) ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.__init__(self) CtrlInterface.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.Target = target for k, (name, w) in enumerate(self._alist): self.InsertColumn(k, name, width=w) for j, frame in enumerate(self.Target.all_frames): self.InsertItem(j, str(j)) self.UpdateInfo(frame) # update all --> 計算が入ると時間がかかる self.handler.update({ 0 : { 'Lbutton dblclick' : (0, self.OnShowItems), # -> frame_shown 'enter pressed' : (0, self.OnShowItems), # -> frame_shown 'delete pressed' : (0, self.OnRemoveItems), # -> frame_removed/shown 'f2 pressed' : (0, self.OnEditAnnotation), 'C-a pressed' : (0, self.OnSelectAllItems), 'C-o pressed' : (0, self.OnLoadItems), 'C-s pressed' : (0, self.OnSaveItems), 'M-up pressed' : (0, self.Target.OnPageUp), 'M-down pressed' : (0, self.Target.OnPageDown), }, }) self.handler.clear(0) self.__dir = True self.ToolTip = '' self.ToolTip.SetMaxWidth(1000) self.Bind(wx.EVT_MOTION, self.OnMotion) self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, self.OnSortItems) self.context = { # bound to the target None: { 'frame_shown' : [ None, self.on_frame_shown ], 'frame_hidden' : [ None, self.on_frame_hidden ], 'frame_loaded' : [ None, self.on_frame_loaded ], 'frame_removed' : [ None, self.on_frames_removed ], 'frame_modified' : [ None, self.UpdateInfo ], 'frame_updated' : [ None, self.UpdateInfo ], } } self.Target.handler.append(self.context) def copy(all=True): frames = self.Target.all_frames if frames: frame = frames[self.focused_item] if all: text = pformat(frame.attributes, sort_dicts=0) else: text = "{}\n{}".format(, frame.annotation) Clipboard.write(text) = [ (101, "&Edit annotation", "Edit annotation", Icon('pencil'), self.OnEditAnnotation), (), (102, "Copy info", Icon('copy'), lambda v: copy(0), lambda v: v.Enable(len(list(self.selected_items)))), (103, "Copy ALL data", Icon2('copy', '+'), lambda v: copy(), lambda v: v.Enable(len(list(self.selected_items)))), ] self.Bind(wx.EVT_CONTEXT_MENU, lambda v: Menu.Popup(self,
[docs] def Destroy(self): self.Target.handler.remove(self.context) return CheckListCtrl.Destroy(self)
[docs] def UpdateInfo(self, frame): ls = ("{}".format(frame.index), "{}".format(, "{}".format(frame.buffer.shape), "{}".format(frame.buffer.dtype), "{:.1f}".format(frame.buffer.nbytes/1e6), "{:g}{}".format(frame.unit, '*' if frame.localunit else ''), "{}".format(frame.annotation), ) j = frame.index for k, v in enumerate(ls): self.SetItem(j, k, v) if frame.pathname: self.CheckItem(j)
[docs] def OnMotion(self, evt): j, flag = self.HitTest(evt.Position) tip = '' if j >= 0: attr = self.Target.all_frames[j].attributes if attr: tip = pformat(attr, width=80, depth=1) # compact=0:PY3 else: tip = "No attributes" self.ToolTip = tip evt.Skip()
[docs] def OnShowItems(self, evt):
[docs] def OnRemoveItems(self, evt): del self.Target[self.selected_items]
[docs] def OnSortItems(self, evt): #<wx._controls.ListEvent> col = evt.Column if col == 0: # reverse the first column self.__dir = False self.__dir = not self.__dir # toggle 0:ascend/1:descend frames = self.Target.all_frames if frames: def _eval(x): try: return eval(x[col].replace('*', '')) # localunit* とか except Exception: return x[col] frame = self.Target.frame items = sorted(self.all_items, reverse=self.__dir, key=_eval) frames[:] = [frames[int(c[0])] for c in items] # sort by new Id of items lc = list(self.checked_items) for j, c in enumerate(items): self.Select(j, False) self.CheckItem(j, int(c[0]) in lc) for k, v in enumerate(c[1:]): # update data except for id(0) self.SetItem(j, k+1, v) # invokes [frame_shown] to select the item
[docs] def OnSelectAllItems(self, evt): for j in range(self.ItemCount): self.Select(j)
[docs] def OnLoadItems(self, evt): self.parent.parent.import_index(target=self.Target)
[docs] def OnSaveItems(self, evt): frames = self.Target.all_frames selected_frames = [frames[j] for j in self.selected_items] self.parent.parent.export_index(frames=selected_frames)
[docs] def OnEditAnnotation(self, evt, prompt='Enter an annotation'): frames = self.Target.all_frames if frames: frame = frames[self.focused_item] with wx.TextEntryDialog(self, prompt, caption='Input Dialog', value=frame.annotation) as dlg: if dlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: frame.annotation = dlg.Value
## -------------------------------- ## Actions of frame-handler ## --------------------------------
[docs] def on_frame_loaded(self, frame): j = frame.index self.InsertItem(j, str(j)) for k in range(j+1, self.ItemCount): # id(0) を更新する self.SetItem(k, 0, str(k)) self.UpdateInfo(frame)
[docs] def on_frame_shown(self, frame): j = frame.index self.SetItemFont(j, self.Font.Bold()) self.Select(j) self.Focus(j)
[docs] def on_frame_hidden(self, frame): j = frame.index self.SetItemFont(j, self.Font) self.Select(j, False)
[docs] def on_frames_removed(self, indices): for j in reversed(indices): self.DeleteItem(j) for k in range(self.ItemCount): # id(0) を更新する self.SetItem(k, 0, str(k))
[docs]class Plugin(Layer): """Property list of Grpah buffers. """ menukey = "Plugins/Extensions/&Buffer listbox\tCtrl+b" caption = "Property list" dockable = False @property def all_pages(self): return [self.nb.GetPage(i) for i in range(self.nb.PageCount)] @property def selected_buffers(self): page = self.nb.CurrentPage return page.Target[page.selected_items] @property def focused_buffer(self): page = self.nb.CurrentPage return page.Target[page.focused_item]
[docs] def Init(self): self.nb = aui.AuiNotebook(self, size=(400,150), style = (aui.AUI_NB_DEFAULT_STYLE|aui.AUI_NB_RIGHT) &~(aui.AUI_NB_CLOSE_ON_ACTIVE_TAB|aui.AUI_NB_MIDDLE_CLICK_CLOSE) ) self.layout((self.nb,), expand=2, border=0) self.attach(self.graph, "graph") self.attach(self.output, "output") def on_focus_set(v): self.parent.select_view(self.nb.CurrentPage.Target) v.Skip() self.nb.Bind(wx.EVT_CHILD_FOCUS, on_focus_set)
[docs] def attach(self, target, caption): if target not in [lc.Target for lc in self.all_pages]: lc = CheckList(self, target) self.nb.AddPage(lc, caption)
[docs] def detach(self, target): for k, lc in enumerate(self.all_pages): if target is lc.Target: self.nb.DeletePage(k)
if __name__ == "__main__": import glob from mwx.graphman import Frame app = wx.App() frm = Frame(None) frm.load_plug(__file__, show=1) frm.load_frame(glob.glob(r"C:/usr/home/workspace/images/*.bmp")) frm.Show() app.MainLoop()