Source code for wxpyNautilus.plugins.lineprofile

#! python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Line profile

Author: Kazuya O'moto <>
from mwx.graphman import Layer
from mwx.matplot2lg import LineProfile

[docs]class Plugin(Layer): """Line profile of the currently selected buffers. """ menukey = "Plugins/Extensions/&Line profile\tCtrl+l" caption = "Line profile" dockable = False unloadable = False
[docs] def Init(self): self.plot = LineProfile(self, log=self.message, size=(300,200)) self.layout((self.plot,), expand=2, border=0) @self.handler.bind('page_shown') def activate(*v): self.plot.attach(*self.parent.graphic_windows) self.plot.linplot(self.parent.selected_view.frame) @self.handler.bind('page_closed') def deactivate(*v): self.plot.detach(*self.parent.graphic_windows)
if __name__ == "__main__": import glob import wx from mwx.graphman import Frame app = wx.App() frm = Frame(None) frm.load_plug(__file__, show=1) for path in glob.glob(r"C:/usr/home/workspace/images/*.bmp"): frm.load_buffer(path) frm.Show() app.MainLoop()